.. _Build NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the command line interface: Build NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the command line interface ===================================================================== To build a NeurEco Regression model, run the following command in the terminal: .. code-block:: shell neurecoRNN build path/to/build/configuration/file/build.conf The skeleton of a configuration file required to build NeurEco Regression model, here build.conf, looks as follows. Its fields should be filled according to the problem at hand. .. _Dynamic Build Conf: .. code-block:: javascript :linenos: { "neurecoRNN_build": { "exc_filenames": [], "output_filenames": [], "validation_exc_filenames": [], "validation_output_filenames": [], "test_exc_filenames": [], "test_output_filenames": [], "write_model_to": "", "write_model_output_to_directory": "", "checkpoint_address": "", "resume": False, "settings": { "valid_percentage": 30, "min_hidden_state": 1, "max_hidden_state": 0, "steady_state_exc": [], "steady_state_out": [], "input_normalization": { "shift_type": "mean", "scale_type": "l2", "normalize_per_feature": true}, "output_normalization": { "shift_type": "mean", "scale_type": "l2", "normalize_per_feature": true}} }, } } | The available building parameters in the configuration file are described in the following table. .. csv-table:: NeurEco Discrete Dynamic building parameters in .conf :file: csv_tables/ConfDiscreteDynamicNeurEcoBuildingParameters.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable :widths: 3, 3, 8 :delim: ; :align: center .. _Normalizing the data for Discrete Dynamic conf: Data normalization for Discrete Dynamic ######################################### Set **input normalization: normalize_per_feature** (or **output_normalization: normalize_per_feature**) to True if trying to fit the features of different natures (temperature and pressure for example) and want to give them equivalent importance. Set **input_normalization: normalize_per_feature** (or **output_normalization: normalize_per_feature**) to False if trying to fit the features of the same nature (a set of temperatures for example) or a field. If neither of provided normalization options suits the problem, normalize the data your own way prior to feeding them to NeurEco (and deactivate normalization by setting the **scale** and **shift** to **none**). .. include:: ../CommonPartsDynamic/NormalizationDynamic.rst